Best practices for simulation building

Best Practices for Simulation Building

  • Create the actors first.

    • Be creative but not TOO creative. Aim for believability.

    • Remember who your target audience and participants will be.

    • Be consistent!

    • Use profile images that are not easily found on Google Images.

    • Don’t be too perfect! Most people don’t fill everything out completely.

  • Then, create posts for your actors.

    • Use (or get) your own images that look “real” and not easily found online.

    • Be consistent! Two bots can’t have the same kitchen if you haven’t stated somewhere that they live together, etc.

    • Be fun and create a story for your bot. What is their day like? What do they post? What do they like?

    • Spread out the timing of posts and follow the same rules you listed for participants (remember these bots should look and act like other participants in the study).

    • Create some spam/political infighting/internet drama/web trash as no site is perfect.

    • Think about “likes” the posts get, what is popular on the site, what is not.

  • After creating posts, create comments on these posts.

    • Be quick and short.

    • Positive but not too positive.

    • Role play as your actor, do all your comments for one actor at a time, role-playing as that actor.

    • Have some small conversations between actors in the comments.

    • This is where we create “community”.

  • Define actor behaviors (liking, reading, commenting) in response to participant behavior.

    • When making comments in response to a participant's posts, make it super generic. It should be a comment that could apply to ANY photo.

    • Make a few, but not too much (no more than what you have created as normal for other posts on the site already).

  • Write together as a research team.

    • If you are creating and writing a simulation collaboratively, upload the CSV files to Google Docs or Box. Makes it much easier to edit together.

  • Test test test!

    • Live in your simulation and experience what feels real or fake.

    • Test with those who have not used your simulation before, and get their opinion on the realism and believability of the simulation.

Last updated